Privacy Policy

We do not save any information and do not use cookies. If you send us a request to add a channel, your information is saved for 6 months but can be removed if you contact us through the same form.

Data Collection:

We collect personal data only when you provide it to us voluntarily, such as when you submit a channel request. The data collected includes your name, email, link, owner, and message.

Data Usage:

Your personal data is used solely for the purpose of processing your channel request. We do not share your data with third parties.

Data Retention:

Your data is retained for 6 months from the date of submission. You can request the removal of your data at any time by contacting us through the same form.

Data Security:

We take appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your data against unauthorized access, alteration, or destruction.


If you have any questions about our privacy policy or the data we hold about you, please contact us through the "Add Channel" function.